Pesma „Plateau“ je zagonetna. Stihovi tako lepo teku, ali nije jasno o čemu govore. Moguće ih je tumačiti na mnogo načina. Dok slušate stihove, ili ih čitate, shvatate da tu nečega ima, da nam nešto govore, da su nam tako bliski, da nam prijaju, ali i da nam beže istovremeno.

Pretpostavljam da je, između ostalog, i to privuklo Kurta Kobejna (Kurt Cobain) da s Nirvanom obradi ovu pesmu, ali ne samo nju. Kobejn je bio veliki poštovalac benda „Meat Puppets“ koji stoji iza pesme „Plateau“. Napisao ju je Kurt Kirkvud (Curt Kirkwood), pevač i gitarista benda.

– To je pesma o odrastanju. Kada sam odlazio od roditelja počeo sam da razmišljam o sebi, o tom šta sam zapravo postigao do tada, o tome ko sam ja kada izađem u svet. To je najverovatnije najistinitija pesma koju sam napisao – rekao je Kirkvud.

To ne znači da je i mi moramo čitati tako, autor je hteo da ispriča nešto, ali nam je rekao nešto što je veće od toga, rekao je još ponešto, nešto što nama treba. Zato ova pesma, kao i svako autentično umetničko delo, može da se čita na više načina, možda čak i nema ograničenja u mogućnostima tumačenja.

Kobejn je sigurno imao svoju viziju pesme „Plateau“.

Možda je i najbolja verzija ona koju je upravo Kobejn otpevao 1993. na MTV Unplugged serijalu. Pored te „Nirvana“ je izvela još dve MP pesme: „Oh, Me“ i „Lake of Fire“.

„Plateau“ je prijatna pesma za slušanje, lagana, skoro pa se može reći da je uspavanka, kao da je sve usmereno ka samom tekstu, a tu dolazimo do problema i čuvenog pitanja: „Šta je pisac hteo da kaže“. Odgovor je jednostavan: Hteo je da kaže to što vi želite da čujete. Hteo je da vam kaže da morate maštati da bi je razumeli. Nema jednog ključa za otključavanje Platoa.

U prilog ovoj tezi ide Kirkvudovo objašnjenje da je pesma inspirisana delima Karlosa Kastanede, kontroverznog autora koji je pisao o izmenjenim stanjima svesti. Autor takođe kaže da su na stvaranje pesme uticali Indijanci, a posebno njihova spiritualnost. Bend je iz Arizone, gde i danas živi veliki broj Indijanaca. Njihova kultura je uticala na bend, a posebno na ovu pesmu.

Evo i samih stihova:

Many a hand has scaled the grand old face of the plateau
Some belong to strangers, and some to folks you know
Holy ghosts and talk show hosts are planted in the sand
To beautify the foothills, and shake the many hands

Nothing on the top but a bucket and a mop
And an illustrated book about birds
You see a lot up there but don’t be scared
Who needs action when you got words

When you’ve finished with the mop, then you can stop
And look at what you’ve done
The plateau’s clean, no dirt to be seen
And the work, it was fun

Nothing on the top but a bucket and a mop
And an illustrated book about birds
You see a lot up there but don’t be scared
Who needs action when you got words

Many hands began to scan around for the next plateau
Some said it was Greenland, and some say Mexico
Others decided it was nowhere except for where they stood
But those were all just guesses
Wouldn’t help you if they could

Umesto zaključka vam preporučujemo da pogledate ovu stranicu. Tu ima raznih tumačenja pesme, a mi izdvajamo jedno od zanimljivijih:

Many a hand (All who have lived and now live on Earth)
has scaled the grand old face of the plateau (Earth)

Some belong to strangers and some to folks you know (Your relatives and everyone else)

Holy ghosts and talk show hosts are planted in the sand (Burials all the same. We all end up with the same outcome)

To beautify the foothills and shake the many hands (Death regenerating the Earth. Fertilizer.)

There’s nothing on the top but a bucket and a mop And an illustrated book about birds (A simplistic view of God)

You see a lot up there but don’t be scared Who needs actions when you got words (An unresponsive God who only communicates via the written word, which comforts most.)

When you’re finished with the mop then you can stop And look at what you’ve done The plateau’s clean no dirt to be seen And the work it took was fun (God enjoying the cycle of life that is the Earth)

There’s nothing on the top but a bucket and a mop And an illustrated book about birds You see a lot up there but don’t be scared Who needs actions when you got words

Well the many hands began to scan around for the next plateau (Everyone who is in search of the answers to life)

Some said it was Greenland and some said Mexico (Clues left without answers; i.e. the pyramids and other monuments)

Some decided it was nowhere except for where they stood (The answer lies within)

But those were all just guesses, wouldn’t help you if they could (Endless cycle of disappointed souls who seek the answer to life and never receive it. Forbidden knowledge.)

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